University of Missouri
Kansas City

Applied Mathematics Group
Includes collaborative research activities in the life sciences and the STEM fields.
Division of Computing, Analytics and Mathematics
Provides high-quality instruction and several interdisciplinary research activities.

Curriculum Vitae

Office: Manheim 205 A
Phone: (816) 235-5453

Mailing address:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
5100 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110-2499


"We develop new mathematical  methods, algorithms  and models to maximize extraction of information from real-world data, provide accurate model predictions in health and medicine, quantify effectiveness of control and prevention policies, and to push forward data science using advanced mathematics."

We are hiring predoctoral fellows: more information

Current Funding: NSF, CDC, FFE

Current Lab Members

Gradaute Research Assistants

  •  Barsha Saha, Ph.D. Math student (Spring 2024 – Present) Research title: “Improving predictability and accuracy of mathematical models to investigate zoonotic spillover influenced by extreme weather events”
  • Arash Arjmand, PhD Math Student, (Spring 2023 - Present) Research title: A hybrid modeling approach to study dynamics of zoonotic diseases
  • Kiel Corkran, Ph.D. Stat Student (Spring 2023 - Present) Research title: Agent-based modeling of COVID-19 spread within and between nursing homes.
  • Priscilla Owusu Sekyere, Ph.D. Mathematics student (Spring 2024 – Present) Research title: “Sparse Identification with Uncertainty Quantification in Cancer Therapy Dynamics
  • Mohammed Alanazi, Ph.D. Mathematics student (Spring 2024 – Present) Research title: “Adaptive Cancer Therapy Optimization via Sparse Nonlinear Dynamics and Topological Features"
  • Ravi Thota Chandra, Ph.D. CS Student (Spring 2023 - Present; co-supervised by Dr. Uddin) Research title: “advancing disease contact tracing using ultra-wideband technology"
  • Julia Pluta, Ph.D. Stat Student (Spring 2023 - Present) Research title: “Cluster analysis of COVID-19 mortality and morbidity in the US and  the nursing homes"
Former Lab Members

Undergradaute Research Assistants

  • Sindhu Balakumar (Math Graduate, UMKC Pre-Med honors student)  Honors Thesis title: “Statistical Analysis of Kansas City COVID-19 Data with Respect to Race, Ethnicity, Age and Gender” Publication in 2021

  • Taylor D. Little, BSc. Math & Stat, Research Project: Using a mathematical model to understand the contribution of transient shedders in spread of paratuberculosis.

  • Tyler Wayne Brown (Associate Analyst, Daymon) BSc, Biomedical Engineering (2017), Research Project: Mathematical modeling of bacterial populations. Publication in 2017 

    Gradaute Research Assistants

    Jacob Pennington (Software Engineer, Garmin Ltd) MSc, Mathematics 2017, Research Project: Semi-Markov process and Markov chains for analysis of veterinary infectious diseases.



  • Sarawat Murtaza Sara, Ph.D. CS Student (Spring 2023 - Present; co-supervised by Dr. Uddin) Research title: “Improving the predictability of agent-based models using ultra-wideband data"

  • Dilek Soysal (Sara Sony), PhD Mathematics (Spring 2018 - Summer 2022) Research title: A mathematical modeling approach to study dynamics of math anxiety affected by COVID-19 publication in 2022

  • Kathryn Menta, M.S. Math (Spring 2021 - Spring 2023) Research title: “Elucidation of safe and effective HDAC8/MDM2 inhibitor molecular patterns using Chemical Mathematics”

  • Elizabeth Waldberg (Post Graduate Research Associate at Yale University) Research title: Statistical analysis of data with R, which aims to identify potential drugs for the treatment of neuroblastoma. Focusing primarily on Principal Component Analysis

  • William Ford, M.S. Math (Spring 2021 - Fall 2021) Research title: “Analysis of 311 service requests with respect to neighborhood income” Kansas City Life Insurance Company.

  • Thao Tran, M.S. Stat (Spring 2021 - Fall 2021) Research title: “Non-emergency responses in the 311 system during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of Kansas city” publication

  • Hadeel Hadeel Alqadi, PhD Mathematics, (Summer 2019 - Spring 2022) Research title: Effectiveness of control and preventive measures on spread of COVID-19 in the U.S. communities Publications in 2022

  • Gerry Baygents (Instructor, Trinidad State Junior College, Colorado) Thesis title: Spatio-temporal modeling and analysis of disease spread in wildlife, Publications in 2017 

  • Siqi Wu, MS Stattistics  (Summer 2020 - Spring 2021) Research title: Time series analysis of COVID-19 in Kansas City, Missouri Publications in 2021   

  • Chia-Hui (Amy) Lin MS Computer Science (Spring 2017-Fall 2017) Research title: An agent-based modeling approach to understand the contribution of super shedders in spread of paratuberculosis.

  • Tahani Omer MS Mathematics, Hadoop Developer/Data Scientist at Oalva, Inc. (Fall 2017-Fall 2018) Research title: Analysis of bacterial population growth using extended logistic growth model with distributed delay, Publication in 2018

  • Malinee Konboon (Captain, United Airlines) PhD, Mathematics (2016), Thesis title: A Hybrid Modeling Approach to Assess the Efficacy of Control Measures on Paratuberculosis on U.S. Dairy Farms, Publication in 2018

  • Keith Robinson (President and CEO, K.C. Robinson Consulting, LLC) BSc, Mathematics and Statistics 2015, Research Project: Kansas City gang violence: Mathematical solutions to a troubling issue.

  • Kristin Kathman, (Lecturer, UMKC Math & Stat Dept.) MSc, Mathematics 2014, Research Project: Using data analysis and linear regression to drive changes in classroom instruction.