Tartuffe Automation Math


The math below was used to figure out the setup of the automation hardware for the full stage wagon move.  The results of the math allowed me to select the appropriate configuration of stock components to achieve the motion of the wagon.  Automating the wagon added very little to my overall budget because so many of the components were in stock at UMKC. 




Weight of wall wagon:                                Castor Size = 5”

                                                                  Motor = 5hp @ 1760 rpm

Wagon         = 1783#                                    Gear Red. = 50:1 w/ 80% ineff

Walls           = 2350#                                    μr= 0.08

Wall Details = 1641#                                     a= 0.01664 ft/sec2

Total                5774#                                   Dia. Drum= 12.75”

                                                                  Circ. Drum = 40.06”

Wagon Travel= 13’-3.75”                             F to move Wagon= 387.1#   

Time for Effect= 60sec                                Cable Pull=2246.844#


Accel/Decel Math:



13.3125’=((0∙20sec)+( 1/2aA∙400))+((V2∙20sec)+( 1/2∙0∙400))+((V2∙20sec)+(1/2aA∙400))



0.3328 ft/sec=V2


Accel:   V2=V1+aAΔt=

             0.3328 ft/sec=0+aA∙20sec

             0.3328 ft/sec=20aA

             0.01664 ft/sec2=aA


Ƭmotor= HP=Ƭ∙rpm/5252=   5=1760Ƭ/5252=  14.92 ft/lbs

Ƭreducer=14.92 ft/lbs50/1∙0.8=596.818 ft/lbs

Ƭdrum=596.818 ft/lbs30/15=1193.636 ft/lbs

Ƭreq’d= r∙F= 6.375”∙387.1#= 2467.7625 in/lbs ÷ 12= 205.64688 ft/lbs       


Faccel= M∙a=6000#/32.2=186.335∙0.01664 ft/sec2=3.1#

Ffriction=N∙μr/rcast=6000 #∙0.08/2.5=192∙2=384#

Fto move wagon=384# +3.1#=387.1#

F=Ƭ/r=14323.632in/lbs ÷ 6.375” = 2246.844#


Max speed for effect:


1760rpm ÷ 50= 35.2rpm ÷ 2= 17.6rpm ∙ 40.6”=714.56 in/min ÷ 12= 59.54667 ft/min

59.54667 ft/min ÷ 60sec=0.99244 ft/sec ∙ 13.3125’= 13.21192 sec= death to set




Effect in 30 sec:


Accel/Decel Math:



13.3125’=((0∙10sec)+( 1/2aA∙100))+((V2∙10sec)+( 1/2∙0∙100))+((V2∙10sec)+(1/2aA∙100))



0.665625 ft/sec=V2


Accel:   V2=V1+aAΔt=

             0. 665625 ft/sec=0+aA∙10sec

             0. 665625 ft/sec=10aA

             0.066563 ft/sec2=aA


Ƭmotor= HP=Ƭ∙rpm/5252=   5=1760Ƭ/5252=  14.92 ft/lbs

Ƭreducer=14.92 ft/lbs50/1∙0.8=596.818 ft/lbs

Ƭdrum=596.818 ft/lbs30/15=1193.636 ft/lbs

Ƭreq’d= r∙F= 6.375”∙396.403#= 2527.06913 in/lbs ÷ 12= 210.5891 ft/lbs       


Faccel= M∙a=6000#/32.2=186.335∙0.066563 ft/sec2=12.403#

Ffriction=N∙μr/rcast=6000 #∙0.08/2.5=192∙2=384#

Fto move wagon=384# +12.403#=396.403#

F=Ƭ/r=14323.632in/lbs ÷ 6.375” = 2246.844#


Effect in 15 sec:


Accel/Decel Math:



13.3125’=((0∙5sec)+( 1/2aA∙25))+((V2∙5sec)+( 1/2∙0∙25))+((V2∙5sec)+(1/2aA∙25))



1.33125 ft/sec=V2


Accel:   V2=V1+aAΔt=

             1.33125 ft/sec=0+aA∙5sec

             1.33125 ft/sec=5aA

             0.26625 ft/sec2=aA


Ƭmotor= HP=Ƭ∙rpm/5252=   5=1760Ƭ/5252=  14.92 ft/lbs

Ƭreducer=14.92 ft/lbs50/1∙0.8=596.818 ft/lbs

Ƭdrum=596.818 ft/lbs30/15=1193.636 ft/lbs

Ƭreq’d= r∙F= 6.375”∙433.611694#= 2764.274548 in/lbs ÷ 12= 230.356212 ft/lbs       


Faccel= M∙a=6000#/32.2=186.335∙0.26625 ft/sec2=49.611694#

Ffriction=N∙μr/rcast=6000 #∙0.08/2.5=192∙2=384#

Fto move wagon=384# +49.611694#=433.611694#

F=Ƭ/r=14323.632in/lbs ÷ 6.375” = 2246.844#