Ordinary, Partial and Delay Differential Equations with applications in Biology, Nonlinear Wave Equations, Modeling and Analysis of Infectious Diseases and Single Species Populations
Current Research Projects
a) Enhancing Mathematical Models to Investigate the Influences of Climate Change on Zoonotic Spillover
Most infectious disease outbreaks
involve transmission from animals to humans, known
as zoonotic spillover. Several studies provide
evidence that climate change can influence the
frequency and occurrence of zoonotic spillover.
Nonetheless, current mathematical models have
largely overlooked the effects of climate change on
zoonotic spillover. By enhancing the modeling
approaches, the researchers of this
multidisciplinary project seek to understand what
challenges zoonotic pathogens must overcome to
transmit from wild animal hosts to humans or other
animals, how climate change can reduce these
challenges and make it more plausible for zoonotic
pathogens to live within and between new species,
and what kinds of environments have a higher
likelihood of zoonotic spillover in the view of
climate change.
The research team will use decades of weather,
wildlife population, and zoonotic disease data to
identify significant variables that can be
incorporated into the models and to accurately
estimate epidemiological predictors of spillover
(e.g., the force, speed, and direction of disease
spread and the basic reproduction number) as
functions of significant weather and environmental
factors. The numerical simulations of the calibrated
models will help the researchers elucidate the
underlying mechanisms governing the ecology of
zoonotic disease and predict possible influences of
climate change. Furthermore, this study builds on
the existing wave theory of pathogen and population
dispersal to advance the theoretical knowledge of
traveling and stationary waves, including their
existence, uniqueness, stability, and asymptotic
behaviors. The analytical and computational tools,
template codes, and tutorials for enhanced modeling
and simulating zoonotic spillover will be released
on a GitHub page dedicated to this project.
b) Antimicrobial Resistance: A One Health Perspective
Antimicrobial Resistant (AMR) pathogens
have become a significant public health threat. By
developing and implementing novel mathematical and
computation models, the long-term goals are to
optimize AMR control and preventive interventions
and to improve the health equity. The central
hypothesis is that the outputs of mathematical and
computation models will provide optimized and
effective guidelines to reduce the threat of AMR
pathogen spread and reduce health disparities in
healthcare settings. The rationale underlying this
project is to fill the critical gap in modeling
workforce capacity and develop a new generation of
mathematical models for healthcare research. The
central hypothesis will be tested by pursuing three
specific aims to develop and employ a, (i) One
Health modeling approach to understand the source,
distribution and spread of AMR Enterobacteriaceae
with a focus on Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase
(ESBL)-producing E. coli, (ii) a novel Real-Time
modeling approach to identify AMR pathogen
transmission by asymptomatic spreaders and
contaminated medical devices in hospitals, (iii) a
novel Agent-Based Nested modeling approach to
identify the effects of caregivers as vectors of
disease spread, and effects of limited staffing and
specialized care on equitable quality of care in
nursing homes. We will pursue these aims using an
innovative combination of mathematical and
computational modeling techniques. These include
both recently developed techniques of including
human behavior in models and more-established
techniques that have been applied very little to the
study of health equity and AMR pathogen spread. The
workforce development objectives of this proposal
are to (i) enhance mathematical and computational
modeling research capabilities of the public health
workforce and (ii) increase the number of junior
modeling professionals that are trained and
experienced in modeling transmission of pathogens in
healthcare settings partly incorporated with health
Completed Research Projects
Published Articles
AlQadi, H., Bani-Yaghoub, M. (2022) Incorporating global dynamics to improve the accuracy of disease models: Example of a COVID-19 SIR model, PloS one 17.4 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0265815
Alqadi, H., Bani Yaghoub, M., Wu, S., Francisco, A., Balakumar, S. (2022) Prospective Spatial-Temporal Clusters of COVID-19 in Local Communities: Case Study of Kansas City, Missouri, United States. Epidemiol Infect https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268822000462
AlQadi, H., Bani-Yaghoub, M., Balakumar, S., Wu, S., Francisco, A. (2021) Assessment of Retrospective COVID-19 Spatial Clusters with Respect to Demographic Factors: Case Study of Kansas City, Missouri, United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 21: 11496 https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182111496
Published Articles
Bani-Yaghoub, M., Wang, X., Aly, S. (2022) Spatio-temporal analysis of coinfection using wavefronts of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a dairy cattle farm, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 406 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2021.113936
Bani-Yaghoub, M., Wang, X., Pithua, P., Aly, S. (2019) Effectiveness of control and preventive measures influenced by pathogen trait evolution: Example of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 362, 366-382 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2018.09.008
Main collaborator: Dr. Guangming Yao
gyao@clarkson.edu, Department of Mathematics, Clarkson University
§ Funding: CAS Startup Fund (Partial), 2012-2015, Internal Travel Grant
§ Published articles:
§ Collaborators: (1) Dr. Patrick Pithua VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech, (2) Dr. Sharif Aly Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center, University of California, Davis, and (3) Dr. Xueying Wang, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University
§ Funding: NA
§ Published article:
Bani-Yaghoub, M., Wang, X., Pithua, P., Aly, S. (2019) Effectiveness of control and preventive measures influenced by pathogen trait evolution: Example of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 362, 366-382
Konboon M., Bani-Yaghoub M., Pithua P., Rhee N., Aly S. (2018) A nested compartmental model to assess the efficacy of paratuberculosis control measures on U.S. dairy farms. PLoS ONE 13 (10): e0203190.
Bani-Yaghoub, M., Wang, X., Pithua, P., Aly, S. (2018) Effectiveness of control and preventive measures influenced by pathogen trait evolution: Example of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is an often fatal hemorrhagic disease of white-tailed deer and other wild and domestic ruminants. The organism responsible for EHD is Orbivirus, a vector-borne pathogen. The virus requires an insect vector, Culicoides variipennis, and the biting midge, to reach its host, the white - tailed deer. The disease poses a serious threat to white-tailed deer and we need a better understanding of the dynamics of HD transmission in order to be able to control it. The goals of this project are to employ a mathematical modeling approach to analyze the dynamics of EHD transmission, to assess the effectiveness of current control measures, and to provide guidelines that can effectively reduce the prevalence of EHD in the white-tailed deer populations.
§ Published articles:
Measuring long term changes in the social networks of interacting species can reveal vital information about the ecology and evolution of wildlife communities. Although social network analysis is a promising tool to study the structure and dynamics of wildlife communities, the current methods require costly and detailed network data, which often are not available over long time periods (e.g. decades). The present work aims to resolve this issue by developing a new methodology that requires much less detailed data and relies on well-known mathematical Lotka-Volterra (LV) models to quantify the long term changes in the population interactions (e.g. long-term temporal changes from cooperative behavior to competitive behavior).
To examine the robustness of this new method, the annual LV models will be selected and specified using the available long-term abundance data (1973- 2003) of Kansas rodents. If successful, the developed methodology can elucidate the presence, quantify the magnitudes, and detect the variability of interactions within and among the rodent species. We also are aware of many other long-term data of the same nature that can be used to analyze the ecology and evolution of population interactions among species other than rodents. Combining the theory and the available data, our long-term goals are (1) to extend the methodology to measure the spatio-temporal changes in the social networks of species residing in the same geographical environment; and (2) to develop a framework to study the possible impacts of climate change on population interactions.
In the Reaction-Diffusion LV, let yi (x, y, t) denote the proportional density of species i at location (x, y) and time t. Specifically, for i =1, ..., 5 yi (x, y, t) denotes the proportional density of Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus), Prairie Vole (Microtus ochrogaster), White-footed Mouse (Peromyscus lecuopus), Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), and Western Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys megalotis), respectively.
The following animations represent the the numerical simulations of the Reaction-Diffusion LV model for the years 1976-1979. Using the estimated annual parameter values it can bee seen that the solutions converge to constant equilibrium (y1, y2, y3, y4, y5) = (0.415, 0, 0, 0, 0.485 ) around day 1780 (April, 1978) and constant equilibrium (y1, y2, y3, y4, y5) = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) around day 2330 (October, 1979).
Spatio-temporal dynamics of Prairie Vole is shown below
Collaborator: Dr.
Aaron W. Reed
reedaw@umkc.edu, UMKC School of Biological
§ Funding: UMRB, 2015-2016
§ Published articles:
Using the available data and Markov Chain modeling we assess the interventions motivational interviewing, health education and brief advice in population of smokers who are not ready to quit.
§ Collaborator: Dr. Delwyn Catley catleyd@umkc.edu, UMKC Department of Psychology
§ Published articles:
Using the available data and a time series modeling approach we assess the effectiveness of control measures to reduce the aggravated gun violence and homicide.
Collaborators: Dr.
Andrew M. Fox
foxan@umkc.edu and Dr. Kenneth Novak
UMKC Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology
§ Funding: CJC 2015-2016
§ Published article: