Majid Bani-Yaghoub, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics
Office: Manheim 205
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Getting Started
Codes for Simple Disease Models
(please feel free to contact me for additional Matlab codes)
Codes for Simple Population Models
(please feel free to contact me for additional Matlab codes)
Dynamics of the Lorenz System
For µ > 1 there are two critical points which bifurcate from the origin. The homoclinic loop occurs in the Lorenz system at the bifurcation value μ near 13.926
A symmetric pair of unstable periodic orbits results from the homoclinic loop bifurcation at μ =13.926. Some periodic orbits in the one-parameter family of periodic orbits are generated by the subcritical Hopf bifurcation at one of the nontrivial steady states. The bifurcation value is μ = 24.74.
Near the bifurcation point μ = 24.74, the Lorenz system has a strange attractor. More precisely, this strange attractor appears at μ= 24.06.
A stable, nonsymmetric, periodic orbit born in a period-doubling bifurcation at μ = 148. The period-doubling cascade that occur in the Lorenz system for 145 <μ <167.
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